Medical Flywheel

Are you a business?

Businesses struggle with the spiraling costs of health insurance for their employees,

and chronic pain sufferers may require the most care, but what if you could empower your employees to take control of their own health? Medical Flywheel enables pain sufferers to assess, evaluate, treat and manage chronic pain before symptoms escalate. Available to consumers and employers via mobile app, our next generation diagnostic software enables human resources problems to do just this while increasing revenue.

Total Addressable Market
$ 0 B
Serviceable Addressable Market
$ 0 B
Serviceable Obtainable Market
$ 0 M


TAM: Mobile first consumer health

  • Mobile health consumers
  • Pharmaceutical marketing
  • Clinical research and study recruitment

SAM: Chronic pain management and treatment 

  • Professional trainers, PT, chiropractic
  • Clinical trial recruitment
  • Special needs and foundations

SOM: Chronic pain sufferers

  • Self-insured employers with greater than 100 employees and above average workers compensation claims.
  • Consumers with self directed or self pay insurance.
  • Insurance brokers

Additional markets

  • Seniors, care providers, assisted living
  • Golf, tennis, cycling enthusiasts
  • Veterans administration

Product Roadmap

0 months
  • Create the app and the back-end data analytics platform
  • Secure beta employer agreements
MVP release
6 months
Beta complete
15 months
General release
30 months
Market expansion
36 months
Growth and exit
60 months