Medical Flywheel

Mobile App Text Message Workflow

Medical Flywheel Mobile App: 'Signup' with user Opt-In to receive Verification Code in the TEXT Message and 'Delete Profile' to Opt-Out receiving TEXT messages

Medical Flywheel Mobile App: 'Signup' with user Opt-In to receive Verification Code in the TEXT Message and 'Delete Profile' to Opt-Out receiving TEXT messages

The mobile application ‘Medical Flywheel’ is meant for the fitness tracking of the users where once registered, they can upload their fitness journey video and track the progress.

To register and / or login, users are required to receive OTP (or Verification Code) on their registered mobile device. Please find below the workflow explaining it.

1. Sign Up / Register: In this screen, users are required to enter their basic details (including their phone number) and required to Agree with the Opt-in for TEXT message, ‘Terms & Conditions’ and ‘Privacy Policy’ mentioned in the site.

2. Delete Profile: At any point of time, when user will ‘Delete Profile’ from the mobile app, their data will be removed as well as they will be Opt-out from receiving TEXT messages. Please find the screen below with the details.